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The Graduate Management Admission Test - Exam Syllabus, Exam Format, Preparation Tips, Reference Books,
Reference Books

Selected Books and Resources for GMAT Exam Preparation

When you've made the decision to advance your career, the next natural step is to begin studying for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). There are a variety of resources available to help you prepare for the GMAT. GMAT study materials and online GMAT forums are available to assist you to prepare for the exam. Because there are so many publications on the market, determining which book or resource is best for GMAT preparation is always tough. We'll go over numerous GMAT prep tools and which books are best for passing the Graduate Management Admission Test in this post. We've compiled a thorough list of the finest GMAT study materials and tools to help you get a leg up on the competition. For the GMAT exam, we've also provided a six-month study schedule.

Hard work and perseverance will help you develop the necessary skill sets to attain a good GMAT score. With so many exams prep books available, picking the appropriate one becomes much more challenging.

These key factors will help you determine the right test prep book or resource to tackle GMAT:

• Creating The Perfect Strategy: It's not only about completing complex questionnaires; after reading the book, you should be able to formulate a successful strategy to stay ahead of the competition. It could be identifying the most important portion to work on first, or it could be related to time management. These abilities will undoubtedly come in helpful around exam time. You can also use GMAT preparation advice provided by experts to make the most of your time.

• Practicing the Correct Collection of Questions: Because the GMAT exam follows a precise pattern, it is critical that you practice the correct set of questions in order to pass the exam with a good score.

• Answer Keys with Detailed Explanations: The GMAT study material and GMAT test book must have answer keys so that students may learn how to complete all types of questions correctly. The correct answer should be explained in depth in the answer keys so that the aspirant understands the notion.

• GMATTM Official Advanced Problems: The Graduate Management Admission CouncilTM (GMACTMmost )'s recent GMAT Official Guide includes a combination of easy, medium, and difficult questions. There are 150 questions in the book that are Quantitative Reasoning and 150 questions that are Verbal Reasoning. This is the only test practice book that contains only difficult questions from previous GMAT tests.

Manhattan Prep Complete GMAT Strategy Guide Set

Every topic of the GMAT exam is covered in the Manhattan GMAT books. The entire set of books includes ten guides that cover everything from analytic reasoning to integrated reasoning to mathematics. You have the option of purchasing these books as a set or separately. Aside from the books, a year's worth of practice tests and web content is included. These books will assist you in improving your ability to perform at a high level. Reviewers consider Manhattan's study materials and guides to be the best GMAT preparation materials available. Additionally, the practice tests included with the books assist you in preparing for the actual test. The answers to the practice questions are also explained in depth.

GMAC GMAT Official Guide Bundle 2020

It provides customers with exclusive online access to the same questions. Users now have access to an additional 58 integrated reasoning questions. The official GMAT guide also includes over 200 questions that have never been seen before. It also includes 900 questions with thorough answer explanations from previous exams. Users can use this to practice with genuine questions from previous GMAT exams and cut down on their study time. Users can also utilize the questions in the guide to creating their own practice tests. One disadvantage of this guide is that it lacks full-length test questions. This guide, on the other hand, gives consumers an advantage by providing real test questions.

Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus 2021

The most significant benefit of studying from the Kaplan guide is that it delivers the exact knowledge needed for the exam while excluding notions that could cause confusion. The Kaplan GMAT Verbal Workbook assists you in developing advanced strategies for dealing with verbal questions on the GMAT. In addition, the Kaplan GMAT Math Workbook can assist you in developing solid numeric fundamentals. This book will undoubtedly be of use to individuals who are having difficulty with quantitative problems. Reviewers consistently rated Kaplan's study materials as the best GMAT study book.

Veritas Prep Complete GMAT Course Set

Veritas Prep GMAT Set is recommended for those who want to improve their understanding of each topic. Each topic is thoroughly covered, and the books are well-written. Furthermore, the practice questions in the books are not only original but also challenging. One of the set's flaws is that it only includes one full-length online practice test when other publishers provide far more. Although Veritas provides hundreds of practice questions on its website, applicants can use them to improve their scores.

Aside from prep books, you can get free GMAT preparation material from a variety of reputable forums. Otherwise, you can post your question on several forums, such as the official GMAT forum, where it will be answered by specialists. You can take a variety of online GMAT tests (both free and premium) to improve your skills. You may get free GMAT practice material with little effort, and it can be quite effective.

No number of books or GMAT prep material will help you get a good GMAT score unless you follow a detailed study strategy, attend rigorous training sessions, and maintain discipline.